The basics
Command | Explanation |
git init . |
Make the current directory a git repository. |
git status |
Get information about the current state of the repository. |
git add (path) |
Add a modified file to the git index. Use '.' for path in order to add all modified files. |
git rm (path) |
Remove a modified file from the git index. |
git diff |
Get the file changes from what is in the git index to what is in the currently modified file. |
git commit |
Take a snapshot backup of the current index. |
git log |
Get a list of commits made. |
git tag -a "(tag name)" |
Tag the last commit with a special name (can be used to mark version numbers). |
git tag |
List existing tags. |
git reset --hard HEAD |
Return to the last commit (permanently remove any uncommitted changes). |
Command | Explanation |
git branch (branch name) |
Create a new branch. |
git branch --list |
List existing branches. |
git branch --delete (branch name) |
Delete an existing branch. |
git checkout (branch name) |
Jump to a different branch. |
git merge (branch name) |
Merge the given branch into the current branch so that they become one branch. |
git stash push |
Stash any file changes without committing them in order to jump to another branch. |
git stash pop |
Retrieve back stashed file changes. |
git log --graph |
Like log but will show how commits in different branches are connected together. |